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A Gateway to Health

Heal your body, naturally. I’m an experienced Massage Therapist and a firm believer in a holistic approach to healing. The human body is made up of the mind, body, and spirit. All three must be in working order, so that a free flow of energy is achieved. Through my practice, I work with you to free up this energy and promote well-being.


I offer a variety of different modalities to help align your energies and keep your body and spirit in balance. I utilize an integrative and holistic approach to bodywork with an emphasis on identifying and addressing current stressors,

exploring past physical traumas and and developing positive life patterns.

Below are overviews of the touch modalities I offer.


Please feel free to connect with me via phone or text to schedule a session, 

ask questions or to discuss your specific bodywork needs or concerns.

 CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a highly effective light-touch form of bodywork that releases tensions in the central nervous system. This allows every other system in the body to relax and self-correct. By addressing the central nervous system directly, CranioSacral Therapy enhances the body’s own healing processes.


A gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system. Using a soft touch I release restrictions to improve functioning of the central nervous system, which improves the overall health of the body.


A CST session “is like having a massage for my soul.”

~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


90 minutes - $150


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The “RELEASE” dimension of the session involves a process of gentle, nonintrusive rhythmic movements, compressions, and traction to facilitate a softening and yielding of muscles and other soft tissues of the body.

Specific areas of holding and restriction are addressed. A deepening sensory awareness and ease in the body results in feelings of “softer, lighter, freer”.


During the “RESISTANCE” dimension of the session guided movements are explored to assist you in learning new, easier movement patterns. Stress and tension are significantly reduced with renewed levels of strength, improved posture and ease of movement.


After the table work, with a new-found sense of active engagement with your body, you will be given suggestions for gentle rhythmic exploratory movements you can utilize between sessions for deepening the effects of this gentle, profound bodywork.


90 minutes - $150




*Resistance/Release work is an innovative approach developed by Deane Juhan, based in large measure upon the rehabilitative techniques of Dr. Milton Trager. Deane may be best known as the author of Job’s Body: A Handbook for Bodywork – which many consider the essential text on the means, methods, uses, and deeply personal applications of what has come to be known as “bodywork” – a vast, sophisticated series of modalities and techniques that take massage to the level of personal transformation at its greatest expression, profound emotional release and reintegration at its most basic core.



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Based on the principle of free and uninterrupted energy flowing through a balanced body, this session helps activate the natural healing processes in your body as well as to restore your physical and emotional well-being. As a licensed Massage Therapist, I help you reduce pain, stress and anxiety by teaching you how to maintain balance and calm in a turbulent world. This session may involve hands on work, guided meditation and/or shamanic sound healing. It is completely dependent upon what you and Spirit intend for the session.


90 minutes - $150.00



I have been drawn to massaging feet and hands since I was a child. Over the years, client requests for "just feet and hands today please!" has led to this offering. Based on the ancient art of reflexology, working with energy points and zones in the feet and hands can leave you feeling relaxed and renewed throughout. You may choose a 60 or 90 minute feet and lower legs session, a "just hands" session, or a session including both.


60 minutes - $100

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without"


Green Plant


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